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Notice of Races and Instructions for HHYC hosted Regattas
We take our races very seriously... (well sort of)
The best way to build your boat skills is to challenge each other to a race where you can test your knowledge and cunning against time and tides. Our races are run by the rules of racing but are, in the end, a fun way to get involved with friendly competition. We gather afterward on deck for a good time sharing the experiences.
List of Resources
Quick Guide to Sail Racing Rules an easy to understand summary of the mysterious world of racing.
Physics of Sailing or 'how does this boat go?'.
Upcoming Races
June 23, 2023
HHYC Soltice Regatta Notice of Race this is the 'official' declaration of the race.
HHYC Soltice Regatta Instructions or the detailed instructions of the course. Details may change the day of the race.
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